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![]() 26600 Mohave Road Parker, Arizona 85344 CRIT Native American Days Fair & Expo October 5-7, 2017 2017 Theme: Water- Sustaining All Life Fair Board Committee Coordinators 2017: Jackie Humeumptewa, Rockie Laffoon, Debbie Pettigrew, Sassy Jones, Linda McCabe, Stephanie Enas, Keith Moses, Josh Savino, Clark Daniels, Michelle Esquerra, Jolita Ameelyenah, Kitty Little, Angela Salazar, Jackson Short, Krystal Laffoon. (Sub-Committees- names not listed.) MAIN EVENT 2017 POSTER 45th Annual CRIT Native American Days Fair & Expo Pow Wow Coordinator: Linda McCabe Phone: 928-216-0847 Registration opens Friday October 6th Gourd dancing 6PM, Grand Entry 7PM Saturday October 7th- Registration closes at noon. Gourd dancing 11-12PM. Grand entry at noon. Location: Manataba Park Base Field. Email: Linda.McCabe@crit-dhs.org 2017 Pow Wow Poster of Events Carnival Coordinator: Sassy Jones Carnival dates: October 5th 3PM- 10PM. Friday & Saturday, Oct. 6th-7th- 12PM to 12AM Email: sassybonez@hotmail.com Presale Carnival Ride Tickets: $15 Day of event: $20 Tickets on sale now at CRIT Tribal Building, CRIT Accounting, CRIT Fire Dept. Station 90, CRBM, LBJ's, Parker Chamber of Commerce, CRIT Farms, Bluewater Cinemas and CRIT Museum. Admission: $5 per day. Thursday- EVERYONE IS FREE OF CHARGE. Bird Singing and Dancing: Stephanie Enas Phone: 928-216-0231 Friday, October 6th 6PM-9PM Social on Saturday, October 7th 3PM-? Location: Veterans Baseball Field Email: stephnsofia@gmail.com Bird Singing & Dancing Flyer NatiVisions Film Festival: Keith Moses Phone: 928-669-1220 Event: October 28th- 30th. Email: Keith.Moses@crit-nsn.gov 2017 NatiVisions Film Festival Event Poster SAILA Large Livestock Coordinator: Sassy Jones 928-669-0668 Event: October 7th- 9:30AM October 8th- 9:00AM Email: sassybonez@hotmail.com Small Livestock Coordinator: Debbie Pettigrew Phone: 928-669-9843 Event: Saturday, October 7th- 10AM- Registration starts at 8AM. Email: debpett@cals.arizona.edu Peon Coordinator: John & Jolita Ameelyenah Email: jma_ameel@yahoo.com Community Feed: Terrilyn Little Phone: 928-662-4388 Event: October 5th - 4PM under the Tin Shed. Email: Kitty.Little@crit-nsn.gov Food & Arts & Crafts Vendors Coordinator & Fair Book: Angela Salazar 928-662-8742 Email: crit.fair.expo.vendors@gmail.com Parade: Josh Savino Email: fmguy77@gmail.com Horseshoe Tournament Coordinator: Krystal Laffoon Email: krystallaffoon@gmail.com 3K Fun Walk/Run Coordinator: Stacey Amador Phone: 928-669-2025 Email: Stacey.Amador@crit-dhs.org Tug O War Coordinator: CRIT REC Jackson Short Phone: 928-669-1350 Email: Jackson.Short@crit-dhs.org Children/Baby Regalia Contest Coordinator: Rockie Laffoon Phone: 928-916-9902 Event: October 6th- 4PM Manataba Park Stage Email: sunflowerndngirl@yahoo.com Frybread Contest Coordinator: Clark Daniels Event: September 30th Location: Bluewater Cinemas Entrance Email: Clark.Daniels@crit-nsn.gov 2017 Frybread Contest Info. & Event Flyer Exhibit Hall Coordinator: Michelle Esquerra Phone: 928-575-5602 Event: Setup will be Wednesday, October 4th 8AM- 5PM Email: mesquerra71@gmail.com Exhibit Hall Flyer 2017