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ATTENTION CRIT TRIBAL MEMBERS Applications for the following vacancies may be picked up at the Tribal Executive Offices or downloaded below: EDUCATION BOARD
IRRIGATION COMMITTEE DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 29, 2024 COLORADO RIVER INDIAN TRIBES Email applications to b.c@crit-nsn.gov or drop off at the Tribal Offices * * * 2023 GENERAL WELFARE ASSISTANCE PAYMENT
September 27, 2023. The Tribal
Council has approved a 2023 General Welfare Assistance payment of
$2,000.00 for each CRIT Tribal Member. CRIT Tribal members, both minors
and adults, who are enrolled with CRIT as of November 1, 2023, are
eligible to receive assistance. Tribal Members MUST submit an
application and qualify as income eligible to receive a General
Assistance Payment for 2023. Links to the applications for your use are
below. Applications may be submitted in person to the CRIT Tribal Administration Office Accounting Department, by email to GWA@crit-nsn.gov, or by mail to: CRIT Accounting Department, 26600 Mohave Road, Parker, AZ 85344. The 2023 General Welfare Assistance payment replaces the annual Tribal Distribution Payment. The benefits to the membership are that the General Welfare Assistance payment is NOT income subject to federal taxes and should not impact eligibility for benefits such as SSI and food stamps. You will not be issued a 1099 for this payment. Please review the General Welfare Plan for more information. (Click for link to Letter to Tribal Membership...) Tribal Members will receive their General Welfare Assistance Payments by mail or by direct deposit into a bank account after submitting their application. Parents or legal guardians may request direct deposit for their eligible minor tribal member children into an account owned by the parent or the child. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUBMIT A NEW DIRECT DEPOSIT FORM WITH YOUR APPLICATION IF YOU INTEND TO RECEIVE YOUR GENERAL WELFARE ASSISTANCE PAYMENT IN SAME BANK ACCOUNT AS YOU RECEIVED YOUR 2022 GENERAL WELFARE ASSISTANCE PAYMENT. The General Welfare Assistance payment will be mailed or direct deposited as follows::
CRIT GENERAL WELFARE ASSISTANCE POLICY General Welfare Assistance Policy 2023 Application General Welfare Assistance Policy 2023 Minor Application Direct Deposit Authoriztion Form * * *
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Tries is soliciting proposals from qualified firms or individuals for broadband consulting services as needed. Please see RFP for Submission Requirements. Proposals shall be submitted by 5:00 pm on Monday, November 27, 2023. * * *Weekend Weather Watch - Flood Warning Issued by the National Weather Service ![]() Click on the CRIT Media Online link below for storm updates. Thursday, August 17, 2023. The National Weather Service issued a Flood Watch which includes the Colorado River Indian Reservation and surrounding areas. The Flood Watch is in effect from Saturday, August 19, 2023 - Monday, August 21, 2023. Remember to sign up to Regroup to receive important text and email notifications. Text "join info" to 30890. The system will reply with an acknowledgement that you have joined the group. Join Text Alerts by texting "join info" to 31002. The system will reply with an acknowledgement that you have joined the group and you will now be set to receive text messages and emails. Need help signing up? Contact support@regroup.com
* * * Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act of 2022, Public Law 117-343, 136 STAT. 6186 AN ACT To authorize the Colorado River Indian Tribes to enter into lease or exchange agreements and storage agreements relating to water of the Colorado River allocated to the Colorado River Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (Click for Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act of 2022, entire text...) 2023 School Grant Applications 2023 School Grant Policy and Application (Follow link...) ![]() NEW! LATEST
River Indian Tribes React To Announcements Regarding
(Parker, AZ)
DRIVE THRU COVID-19 TESTING Monday - Friday Testing Site at Inpatient Parking Area *Open to All* Call to schedule an
appointment: If you are not registered with CRSU Parker Indian Health Center, please come with the following information:
Parker Indian Health
Center * * *
For Immediate Release
Contact: U.S. Senate Committee Considers CRIT Water Resiliency Act The first step for historic legislation is complete (WASHINGTON DC) Colorado River Indian
Tribes (CRIT) Chairwoman Amelia Flores addressed the U.S. Senate today,
March 23rd , in support of a bill that would enable the Tribe
to assist Arizona with Colorado River water for critical drought relief
while preserving the life of the river and strengthen tribal
sovereignty. The Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act of 2021(S.3308)
would create the authority for CRIT to further exercise its water
rights. This authority would enable CRIT to allocate its water resources
to provide a short-term water supply for entities experiencing drought
or shortages across Arizona and protect natural habitats along the
Colorado River. The legislation provides CRIT similar rights many
federally recognized tribes across the country currently enjoy and
benefit from. S.3308 was introduced by Senator Mark Kelly and is co-sponsored by
Senator Kyrsten Sinema. Endorsers include the Arizona Department of
Water Resources, the Salt River Project, the Central Arizona Project,
the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association, the City of Phoenix, the
Roosevelt Water Conservation District, the National Audubon Society
Arizona House Speaker Representative Russell Bowers, and the Water for
Arizona Coalition. Here is the text of Chairwoman Flores’ testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. (Click for link to entire Press Release)... * * *
For Immediate Release
River Indian Tribes To Testify Before U.S. Senate In Support Of Federal
Legislation That Would Enable The Tribe To Assist With Critical Drought
Relief Senate Committee On Indian Affairs Meets March 23rd To Hear Testimony On The Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act
(WASHINGTON DC). Colorado River Indian Tribes
(CRIT) Chairwoman Amelia Flores is set to address the U.S. Senate March
23rd in support of a bill that would enable the Tribe to
assist Arizona with Colorado River water for critical drought relief
while preserving the life of the river and strengthen tribal
sovereignty. Chairwoman Flores will testify before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 2:30pm Eastern Time (11:30am Arizona Time). (Click on link to entire Press Release)... * * * ![]() ![]() ![]()
ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM OUR MISSION: To provide effective, culturally sensitive Substance Abuse related treatment to CRIT tribal members as well as other IHS American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) residing within the exterior boundaries of the Colorado River Indian Tribal lands, with dedication to provide best practices for Alcohol and Substance Abuse prevention and treatment services to empower clients and their families to improve their health in positive ways.. (Read more...) * * * BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Contact Us: Location: * * * GENERAL ASSISTANCE OUR MISSION: The mission of the Office of Social Services is to administer, develop, provide, integrate, and coordinate social and supportive services for eligible tribal members and other Native Americans residing within the CRIT Reservation... (Follow Link for More Information...) BURIAL ASSISTANCE * * * FOSTER CARE
Our Beliefs are Our Traditions, Our Identities are
Our Bloodlines, Our Lands are Our Community and Our Children are Our
Future... Please contact the Foster Care Caseworker at (928) 669-8187 or stop by the Office at 12302 Kennedy Drive, Parker, AZ * * *
Central Arizona Project Governing Board Supports Landmark Federal Legislation That Allows The Colorado River Indian Tribes To Lease Its Colorado River Water And Provide Drought Relief For Arizona
(PHOENIX) By a unanimous vote, the Central Arizona Project Governing
Board has endorsed The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) Water
Resiliency Act of 2021 (S.3308). This bill, introduced by US Senator Mark
Kelly and co-sponsored by Senator Kyrsten Sinema, would give CRIT the
authority to lease a portion of its Arizona Colorado River allocation
for off-reservation use within Arizona. It is a critical proactive tool
to help Arizona cope with ongoing drought. The CAP vote took place
during the regular meeting of the Governing Board on January 6th.
![]() Chairman Eddy began his service to the Colorado River Indian Tribes by serving as a Tribal Council Member from 1981 through 1998. On December 3, 1998 CRIT General Election, Mr. Eddy was voted in as Chairman and held the position through 2008. Chairman Eddy is the longest sitting Chairman in CRIT history. His contributions to the Tribes and the membership will not be forgotten.
The Tribal Council is saddened to report that former CRIT Tribal Council Chairman Daniel Eddy Jr. passed away on Saturday, December 4th. He was first elected to the Tribal Council in 1980 and served as Chairman from 1988 to 2009. Our sincere condolences go out to his family, friends and to the community. * * *
Senator Mark Kelly Introduces Federal Legislation That
Gives Arizona Drought Relief And Empowers Colorado River Indian
Tribes (CRIT)
Enabling Federal Legislation Has Massive Support From Tribes, Local
Governments, Environmental Groups, & Water Users
(PARKER, AZ.) The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) is
applauding the introduction of federal legislation that would enable
CRIT to lease a portion of its federal Colorado River water
allocation, clearing the way for critical drought relief in Arizona.
117th Congress, 1st Session - S. _____
September 9, 2021. CRIT is saddened to announce the death of Water Resources Director Devin Heaps. Devin was hired two years ago and served a critical role in CRIT's water conservation efforts including upgrading irrigation systems on Tribal lands. Devin also served as Emergency Operations Manager for CRIT's COVID-19 response efforts. His tireless dedication to his work and to the CRIT community will be greatly missed. Our sincere condolences go out to Devin's family, friends and co-workers. * * * NOTICE: FISH & GAME PERMITS FOR DOVE SEASON, FISHING, Permit Vendor
Location & Contact Numbers as of August 2021 Permit Vendor Location & Contact Numbers as of August 2021 (click to follow the link...) Get It Next Year SUNS ![]() (This awesome photo courtesy of Bobby Robledo & Krystal Laffoon) CRIT Proclaims the Month of June 2021 as Pride Month in recognition of the contributions made by members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Trans, Queer, Two-Spirited, Plus ("LGBTQ+") community and to actively promote the principles of equality, liberty, and justice on the Colorado River Indian Reservation
* * * ![]() COLORADO RIVER REGION WATER SYSTEM Notice to CRIT Utilities Customers April 29, 2021. As most of you may know, on March 30, 2021 the systems within the Colorado River Indian Tribes experienced an outage that included our services. This has delayed our billing cycle which should have occurred April 15, 2021, for March 2021 services... (Click on link to read more...) Information about potable water, link about cloudy water, water conservation during the summer, new water meter installation, Water Dept. contact information... (Clink on link to read more...) CRIT Proclaims the Month of May 2021 as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Awareness Month to honor missing and murdred women, girls and men and women/girls who have lost their lives due to violence COLORADO RIVER INDIAN TRIBES PROCLAMATION NO. 01-21 ![]()
CRIT mourns the
loss of a leader. Our prayers go out to the famly, ![]()
April 15, 2021
CRIT Chairwoman Amelia Flores and members of the Tribal Council are saddened to report that long-serving Tribal Council Member Johnny HIll, Jr. has passed away. CRIT extends its deepest sympathies to Johnny Hill's family and friends. The Tribal Council shares in their grief and mourns the loss of this beloved member of our community. May he rest in peace.
(Parker, AZ) CRIT Utilities has become aware of a recent social media post regarding the safety of water treated and delivered by CRIT Utilities. In order to avoid unnecessary alarm these posts may cause for those in the community, CRIT Utilities wants the community to better understand the process of monitoring contaminants in the water system. The Colorado River Regional Water System (“CRRWS”) and all public water systems on the reservation are subject to oversight by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“US EPA”) and must comply with federal laws, primarily the Safe Drinking Water Act. In accordance with these laws CRRWS must test water on a regular basis pursuant to US EPA approved Sample Siting Plans to ensure the drinking water meets these standards for safe consumption. This includes monthly testing at ten locations for coliforms (such as e-coli) and annual or bi-yearly for other substances including but not limited to lead, copper, nitrates, and arsenic. Trained and certified staff with CRIT Utilities collect these samples to ensure they are collected in the correct manner to avoid cross-contamination and proper handling. The CRRWS is required to issue an Annual Water Quality Report, also referred to as a Consumer Confidence Report, by July 1 of each year to each customer. This report provides a snapshot of your water quality during the prior year. CRRWS wants to assure the community that the
water is safe to drink.
However, naturally occurring minerals that cause water hardness may
result in a taste or appearance that some individuals do not like, but
this is not a safety issue.
If anyone has a concern regarding the quality or safety of the CCRWS
water please contact CRIT Utilities at (928) 669-2121 or in writing to
CRIT Utilities at 26600 Mohave Rd., Parker AZ 85344.
In the event you do not get a response from CRIT Utilities please
contact CRIT EPO at (928) 662-4336.
For Immediate Release
Email: mscerbo@rosemoserallynpr.com
Local Governments, Environmental Groups, Water Users, And Arizona Coalitions Rally In Support Of CRIT’s Right To Lease Water
Colorado River Indian Tribes Poised To Utilize
Authority Once Congress Acts
Following the conclusion of a listening session held by the Arizona
Department of Water Resources in December, 2020, interested parties were
invited to submit public comment on the proposal. Supportive comments,
including those written by CAWCD, SRP, Phoenix and numerous
environmental organizations, outnumbered comments in opposition by a
margin of 7:1.
CRIT Chairwoman Amelia Flores stated, “These endorsements from such
diverse groups make a compelling case to Congress that this bill will
provide needed drought relief, affirm CRIT’s sovereignty and create
economic opportunities for our region.”
CRIT Proposes Landmark Federal Legislation That Will Help Arizona Drought Relief And Provide Economic Opportnities for Tribal Members (PARKER, AZ.) The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) Tribal Council is proposing new federal legislation that would enable CRIT to lease a portion of its federal water allocation to bring about more drought relief for Arizona and economic opportunities for tribal members.
If passed and signed into law, this proposed federal legislation would
allow CRIT, like numerous other Arizona tribes, to lease water off its
reservation. CRIT is the largest holder of first priority Colorado River
Water in Arizona. In 2019, CRIT tribal members approved Protect and
Prosper: The CRIT Water Ordinance with nearly two-thirds of the vote, a
critical first step towards the introduction of federal legislation. The
CRIT Tribal Council had unanimously referred the Water Ordinance to the
voters. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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